Welcome to join EUROMAT 2019, 1-5 September 2019 as a sponsor or exhibitor!
Download the Invitation to Sponsors and Exhibitors with the floor plans (as a PDF)
Floor plans – Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors
For practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
During EUROMAT there are several ways to sponsor and exhibit to suit different needs and budgets.
Platinum Sponsor: 200 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to 5 sponsors
- Exhibition space No Platinum 1 – Platinum 5 (15 m2)
- Logotype splash in the mobile app
- Exposure in the mobile app with logotype and optional text
- Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the signage banner at the congress venue (only for registrations made before 12 August 2019)
- Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the conference bag (only for registrations made before 1 August 2019)
- 5 free registrations including coffees, lunches, welcome reception and conference dinner
The Platinum exhibitor booth includes:
- Shell scheme stand with white laminated infill panels: 7,5 meter backwall, 1 meter side walls
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
- 6 Spotlights
- 15 sqm graphite carpet tiles
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
Gold Sponsor: 125 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to 9 sponsors
• Exhibition space No Gold 1 – Gold 9 (6m2)
• Exposure in the mobile app with logotype and optional text
• Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the signage banner at the congress venue (only for registrations made before 12 August 2019)
• 3 free registrations including coffees, lunches, welcome reception and conference dinner
The Gold exhibitor booth includes:
- Shell scheme stand with white laminated infill panels: 3 meter backwall, 1 meter side walls
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
- 2 Spotlights
- 6 sqm graphite carpet tiles
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
For full Terms and conditions (as a PDF)
For more information, please contact: exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
Silver Sponsor: 75 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to 13 sponsors
• Exhibition space No Silver 1 – Silver 13 (6m2)
• Display of the sponsor´s logotype and acknowledgement in the final program
• Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the signage banner at the congress venue (only for registrations made before 12 August 2019)
• 2 free registrations including coffees and lunches
The Silver exhibitor booth includes:
- Shell scheme stand with white laminated infill panels: 3 meter backwall, 1 meter side walls
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
- 2 Spotlights
- grey wall to wall carpet
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
Bronze Sponsor A: 40 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to 12 sponsors
- Exhibition space No BrA 1 – BrA 12 (6m2)
- Display of the sponsor´s logotype and acknowledgement in the final program
- Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the signage banner at the congress venue (only for registrations made before 12 August 2019)
- 1 free registration including coffees and lunches
The Bronze A exhibitor booth includes:
- Shell scheme stand with white laminated infill panels: 3 meter backwall, 1 meter side walls
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
- 2 Spotlights
- blue wall to wall carpet
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
For full Terms and conditions (as a PDF)
For more information, please contact: exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
Bronze Sponsor B: 45 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to 10 sponsors
- Exhibition space No BrB 1 – BrB 10 (4m2)
- Display of the sponsor´s logotype and acknowledgement in the final program
- Display of the sponsor’s logotype on the signage banner at the congress venue (only for registrations made before 12 August 2019)
- 1 free registration including coffees and lunches
The Bronze B exhibitor booth includes: 
- Shell scheme stand with white laminated infill panels: 2 meter backwall, 1 meter side walls
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
- 2 Spotlights
- 4 sqm graphite carpet tiles
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
Exhibitor Floor space: 20 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
Limited to small companies with a maximum of 5 employees
You can also just book floor space. The price for floor space is 20 000 SEK per 2,5×1,5 meters excluding VAT (Ex1 – Ex34). Please note that floor space and electricity, is included in the price. Shell scheme, walls and carpet etc. can be ordered from our stand contractor.
• 1 free registration including coffees and lunches
The Exhibitor booth includes:
- Electricty (3 European power sockets with 230V, max 2KW)
For more practical information and if you wish to rent furniture, please contact our contractor City Expo: http://www.cityexpo.se/EUM2019
For full Terms and conditions (as a PDF)
For more information, please contact: exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
Symposium Sponsor: 15 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
- The Symposium sponsorship will cover 1 free registration (full week) for an invited speaker, or 2 free registrations (half week). Please note that it is up to the Symposia Organizers to decide on the reciever(s) of this grant.
- Your company will also have the following benefits: (1) logo in the symposium program, (2) roll-up banner at the symposium room (the sponsor is responsible for production and costs), (3) logo on the door of the symposium room, (4) logo on the computer screen of the room.
For full Terms and conditions (as a PDF)
For more information, please contact: exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se

To all institutions and companies with interests in Materials
During 2019 a number of important material related jubilees are celebrated. Materials as a subject in higher education was introduced 200 years ago in Falun at Bergsskolan at the center of a mining district in Sweden, today Royal institute of Technology (KTH). A hundred years later Royal Academy of Engineering (IVA) was founded also celebrating during 2019. All this together with EUROMAT 2019 in Stockholm will define the Materials year 2019 in Sweden Introduced an arranged by the ancient institution Swedish Iron office (Jernkontoret) and a number of Swedish institutions. The Materials Year will allow and stimulate materials producers and users in Sweden and in the world to meet and discuss material related topics on from engineering to science. This is a unique possibility to build network between material specialists in many countries.
The participating companies in Sweden and abroad will also be given an opportunity to act as a sponsor of EUROMAT 2019 thereby getting access to be visible and to expose the institution in question by LOGO and get access to an attractive stand and other rights depending on chosen sponsor level.
For more information contact: exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
The board of SFMT
Sten Johansson, president
For contact:
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
For questions regarding registration, please contact reg.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
For questions regarding sponsorship and exhibition, please contact exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se
For questions regarding abstracts, please contact abstracts.euromat2019@appinconf.com