Abstracts Submission

Author notifications were sent: May 10th, 2019

Authors Notification, May 10th, 2019

Authors notifications were sent May 10th, 2019 to the email of the submitter and presenter (if different from submitter). If you haven't seen your notification you can:

  1. Search your inbox for "EUROMAT 2019".
  2. Check your SPAM folder.
  3. Log in to the abstract system where you will find all emails sent from the abstract system.
  4. Send a question to abstracts.euromat2019@appinconf.com. Please include your abstract ID.

General Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at any other conference prior to the EUROMAT 2019.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English using exclusively the online system on this page. Abstracts submitted via fax or any other means will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts received after the extended deadline, April 5th, 2019, will not be considered.
  • Submission of an abstract acknowledges your consent for the abstract to be published in the official programme. The corresponding author must ensure, that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and that they consent to its submission.
  • The Scientific Committee of EUROMAT 2019 in close collaboration to the relevant Symposium Organizers will determine whether the abstract will be accepted as an oral presentation or a poster, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
  • Authors will be notified by e-mail no later than May10th, 2019, whether their abstract has been accepted or rejected, and, in case of acceptance about the form of presentation (oral or poster).
  • Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered participants at EUROMAT 2019. Registration must be received by a later announced deadline.


Symposia structure:
The symposia structure of EUROMAT 2019 can be found by clicking here.


Abstract Preparation and Format:
Your abstract should be no longer than 300 words.
An image, graph, diagram or table may be included, provided the full abstract (title, author information, text, figures, references, etc.) fits into a A4 sheet (as defined by the ISO 216 standard).

Please see further instructions on format in the abstract system.


If you have any questions regarding the abstract submission, please contact: abstracts.euromat2019@appinconf.com.



I got accepted as Poster but I want to present as Oral

The notification is final, but posters can be transferred to orals subject to a decision at a later stage.

Is there a abstract submission template?
The resulting abstract format is set by the system and you will not have to download a template, just enter the text in the assigned boxes within the abstract system when you have created your account.
My abstract doesn't fit the given format, what do I do?
The abstract structure will be the same for everyone. If you’re unable to conform your abstract to the given structure, please do your best and then submit it. It will be up to the review teams to decide if the abstract should be accepted or not.
Can I have multiple presenting authors?
You have to choose one author to be the presenting author when submitting in the abstract system. But at the conference, you’re allowed to have more than one presenting author.
Will accepted abstracts be published in an Abstract book?
There’s no plan on printing an abstract book, but an equivalent will be made available by download on the website.
Can I submit a full paper?
You will not be able to submit a full paper in the abstract submission, nor will you have to submit a full paper for EUROMAT 2019 at a later stage. However, some symposia are sponsored by journals and will have the option to submit full papers for special issues. Please see FAQ: Will there be a conference proceeding?.
Will there be a conference proceeding?
Some symposia are sponsored by journals that will publish a special issue with full papers related to the symposia according to separate instructions and separate submission. Please see symposia with logos and read instructions on the page of Symposia structure.

For contact:
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03

For questions regarding registration, please contact reg.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se

For questions regarding sponsorship and exhibition, please contact exh.euromat2019@akademikonferens.se 

For questions regarding abstracts, please contact abstracts.euromat2019@appinconf.com